
6 Tips to help with your mental health during COVID-19

6 Tips to help with your mental health during COVID-19

Posted date: April 24, 2020

 It’s safe to say that 2020 hasn’t been a good year for everyone. With a global pandemic changing people’s way of life across the world, it might be hard to keep a positive outlook on things. We must now more than ever try to have a healthy mindset and process this “new normal” that challenges and pushes our mental well-being.


Treat yourself

1. Everyone deserves a little break, a little slice of something good especially during these most trying times. It might seem indulgent given the fact the whole world is suffering but those little gifts to ourselves are the slivers of normalcy you need to get by. Whether it’s ordering our favorite fast food, or just enjoying 30 minutes of quality time to ourselves, it’s necessary to take it without feeling too guilty. Whatever little thing that makes us happy even just for a little while would go a long way in keeping ourselves sane.





Spread the wealth

2. Given the nearly endless stream of updates on social media regarding the plight of the less fortunate and those in the frontlines of this crisis, doing little things for other people is a good way to feel a little bit better about it all. Those little doses of the great and amazing things that people do for one another are the buoy that keeps us afloat. It keeps us from thinking the worst of people, and it brings us closer to the people who need help. Be it donating to the various charities out there or just doing a little bit extra work for our families at home, every little thing counts.




Mind and body

3. For most people, they find themselves with an abundance of idle time given the quarantine. It’s easy for all the excess hours to not be used in the most optimal way. Try to do some homework outs and breathing exercises. This would also be a good time to finally finish the books we’ve been meaning to finish or learn those little skills that we’ve been meaning to learn. Given the vast amount of online resources nowadays, it would be a waste not to.





Manage Social Media

4. Given the amount of time people have and how it’s amplified by the uncertainty of the current situation, social media can get toxic. Although social media is important in keeping us connected and in the know during these harrowing times, one must still take a break from time to time. It’s good to detoxify yourself from the online world to recharge and refocus. You shouldn’t turn a blind eye and shut of the world, but a little bit of respite from the bombardment of information certainly helps.





Keep the connection

5. With the various lockdowns and enhanced quarantines around the world, it can get easy to isolate ourselves not only physically, but mentally. Although physical social distancing is a must, it shouldn’t stop you from getting in contact via the various platforms we have at our disposal. We are lucky that we have multiple means to connect to people and it’s very important to take advantage of this.





Feel your feels

6. Some try their best to keep things as they were before the outbreak. A lot of people are trying their best to keep things running along as close their regular day as they can. That has its benefits but it’s important to accept that there is a change, things aren’t like how they were before, and placing the added pressure to act like everything is fine can be detrimental to your health. It’s alright to let out your emotions from time to time. Happy, sad, scared, whatever emotion it may be, allow yourself to feel it. Try to share these feelings instead of bottling them inside. You might find they might be also be going through the same thing and you can be a good support system of each other.

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